The latest updates and goings-on with GoMakeADifference.
GoMakeADifference Announces 2023 Awards
A total of $30,000 will be awarded to 30 GoMakeADifference projects. The team were once again pleased to see the variety across the diverse projects with some using a high level of technology as part of the project delivery.
GoMakeADifference Announces 2022 Awards
Twenty three Go Make a Difference project applications have received grants, in this our 21st year. A total of $23,000 will go to support UWC students, in living the UWC mission.
2016 Highlights
In 2016, GoMakeADifference funded 20 grants that enabled UWC graduates from around the world deliver projects that serve the community and change lives for the better. Hundreds of people have benefited from programs funded by GoMakeADifference, and these are just a few of the wonderful projects that have been completed this year.