Are you passionate about an issue somewhere in the world where you want to make a difference, but you don't have the money to make it happen?
UWC Co-ordinators
Each UWC school/college has assigned a co-ordinator to encourage students to apply to GoMakeADifference and to give them advice on the project proposals.
Students should contact their school/college's co-ordinator for any guidance or support in the first instance, however if you do need additional help then please email us at
As a team and as a village, we would like to pass our sincere gratitude to the Go Make a Difference grant scheme – through which a massive difference and impact has been done on the lives of hundreds of villagers in the Kolonyama community. We stand in eternal gratitude to Colin and Jill for creating this selfless grant scheme.
— Nthati & Morero Mofolo, Hydro-Pure project (2021)