Be original! Originality is one way of challenging yourself. Do something you haven't done before.
UWC Co-ordinators
Each UWC school/college has assigned a co-ordinator to encourage students to apply to GoMakeADifference and to give them advice on the project proposals.
Students should contact their school/college's co-ordinator for any guidance or support in the first instance, however if you do need additional help then please email us at
If it was not for the GoMakeADifference empowerment, I don’t think I would have realised how grave the poverty, healthcare and environmental issues are in my country. As I still embark on my academic pursuits, I have been shaped partly by my UWC Atlantic College experience and re-shaped by the problems that my country faces. The 5 weeks spent in Kenya and Uganda were eye opening to me... I have been shaped by my UWC AC experience.
— Kenya and Uganda Summer Project, 2001