Grant Process

Grants will be given to projects that demonstrate that they can make a difference.

The GoMakeADifference Grant Process Explained

Grants are given to projects that can truly make a difference. This page explains what that means and the steps to meet the criteria.

2025 applicants please note:

Students must submit their application with a project plan in the required format (an application form and a PDF Project Plan document). This allows the panel to compare ideas from UWC students. Up to 20 awards are expected to be granted.

8 things to remember in your application:

  1. Think of a project to help foster peace and a sustainable future by uniting peoples, nations and cultures... and then apply for a GoMakeADifference grant!
  2. Projects should be your own initiative (but can be within an existing NGO).
  3. Think about the UWC mission statement. Show how your project puts this UWC mission into action, answers a real need and leaves an enduring benefit to the community your project is serving.
  4. Projects can be anywhere in the world for a minimum of four weeks – during the summer vacation or part of a gap year.
  5. As well as making a difference, students must demonstrate projects can be delivered safely with no risk to anyone. We shall be seeking assurances from your teachers, parents or other relevant people.
  6. Projects for one or two people will be favoured, though some might require a small group led by one or two project leaders.
  7. Maximum grants are $2,000 – it is meant to be seed money for your project, to help you stimulate potential additional funding
  8. Besides helping other people, it is important to challenge yourself, learn new skills, develop your identity and belief in yourself.

Finally...Be original! Originality is one way of challenging yourself. Do something you haven’t done before. Good luck!

The application and selection process

Stage 1 – Think about a project

Think about a project that is unique and special to you and the people that would be most affected. A project that is truly significant and offers an enduring benefit – something that really makes a difference.

Think about how you would deliver this to make the biggest impact.

Stage 2 – Develop your Project Proposal

A detailed overview of what you need to include in your proposal can be found on our 'writing your project proposal' page, below is a summary.

The contents of your project proposal must include:

  • Section A: An introduction to your project - outline what you are trying to achieve and why
  • Section B: Your project details - a thought-out plan for how you are going to deliver your project
  • Section C: Your project action plan - how much budget you need and timescales for delivering your project
  • Section D: Proposal rationale -  consider originality and likelihood of success for your project
  • Section E: Project team members - who will be involved in the project, and what will their roles be?
  • Section F: Safety statement & risk awareness - demonstrate you have considered all risks involved
  • Section G: Optional video presenting your project - this is not necessary to your application, and is an optional task! 

NOTE: Your project proposal must provide the information above in a PDF document uploaded along with your application form (read 'writing your project proposal' to make sure it's correct). Ensure you have covered everything required as part of your application.

Stage 3 – Get signed off by a member of faculty

Prior to submitting your online application, we require all students to gain signoff from a member of faculty on your project plan.

Stage 4 – Complete online application form

The application form must be completed online, provide answers to the questions about you and your project.

Stage 5 – Upload your project proposal

Submit your project proposal (from Stage 2).

Please upload this document in a PDF format. Ensure you have completed all the sections A-G (G is optional) as outlined in writing your project proposal.

Stage 6 – Ensure your application meets the deadline (31st January 2025)

The closing date for 2025 awards is 31st January 2025*- please ensure your application has been submitted by that date. Any applications for 2025 awards cannot be considered after this time.

*Final applications from UWC Waterford South Africa is 10th February 2024.

Stage 7 – Applications reviewed

All applications for 2025 are now open. They will be acknowledged and applications will be reviewed by the GoMakeADifference panel by 28th February 2025.

Stage 8 – Interview with potential candidates

For suitable applications with meaningful projects, an interview process may take place with potential candidates, either face to face, by email or by video call during March 2025.

Stage 9 – Grants approved

All candidates will be notified if their project has been successful in gaining an award or not by 30th March 2025 at the latest.

Grant funds will be distributed via your UWC school/college at appropriate times.

Stage 10 – If successful...

If successful, you will need to submit a short report (including photos and possibly videos) no later than two weeks after the project is finished, outlining:

  1. What your project achieved
  2. The challenges you faced
  3. What you have learned from the project.

These reports are vital to inform the funders of the project outcome and are used to help stimulate and motivate other candidates next year to GoMakeADifference – to go and make a difference.


The people who succeed in these hard times are those who are not afraid to fail. Go MAD made us realize our potential.

— Plant a Tree, Nepal, 2011