Contact Us

Colin Habgood

Colin loves the UWC ethos and is delighted GoMakeADifference gives students opportunities to live the mission.

Contacting the GoMakeADifference team

The GoMakeADifference team will deal with applications in line with the grant process guidelines.

If you have any questions about the grant process or applying to make a difference, we will endeavour to answer them for you. However, we can only respond to questions by email.

Whilst we aim to get back to enquiries as soon as we can, the scheme is manned on a flexible basis, so please allow 7 days for a response.

Jill Longson

Jill looks forward to receiving GoMakeADifference applications and hearing how students plan to make a difference.

We would ask you to check the Grant Process and Criteria pages before submitting an email to ensure the answer you are looking for is not listed there.

Contact Form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    How did you hear about GoMakeADifference?


    Your Message



    As a team and as a village, we would like to pass our sincere gratitude to the Go Make a Difference grant scheme – through which a massive difference and impact has been done on the lives of hundreds of villagers in the Kolonyama community. We stand in eternal gratitude to Colin and Jill for creating this selfless grant scheme.

    — Nthati & Morero Mofolo, Hydro-Pure project (2021)