
Are you passionate about an issue somewhere in the world where you want to make a difference, but you don't have the money to make it happen?

Go on...Apply today and start your journey to make a difference

In order to apply, you must 1) complete the form below and 2) include your PDF Project Proposal document.  Before you apply using this 2-step process below, have you:

  1. Checked you meet the project criteria?
  2. Understood how the projects will be assessed?
  3. Completed all sections required? Check out how to write your proposal
  4. Created a PDF of your project proposal? 

Got all that? Great, then let's begin!

    1. Pre-Application

    To apply for a GoMakeADifference award, you need to prepare a Project Proposal in our specified format, as well as meeting our criteria, as outlined above.

    You MUST agree to the following before proceeding:

    2. Online Application Form
    • (Choose a formal title for your project - keep it short and memorable)

    • (In no more than 20 words, give an outline of what the project is about)

    • (Please note: If 'Yes', unfortunately your application is unlikely to be considered. GoMakeADifference was established to provide a catalyst opportunity for students to live the values of UWC when leaving their college, or during their vacation periods.)

    • (If your Project is remote or online, please put 'Not applicable' or 'N/A')

    • (Those who will be delivering the project)

    • (Please confirm the total cost of your Project as outlined in Section C of your project proposal. GoMakeADifference awards are up to a maximum of $2,000. Students can also apply for less than $2,000. If your Project requires funding in excess of $2,000, please ensure your project proposal explains how you will meet the shortfall).

    3. Project Leaders
    Project Leader 1
    • (Please note: If 'No', unfortunately your application is unlikely to be considered. The award is only available to UWC students, to enable them to live the values of UWC and to make a difference. Whilst the project can be supported by any student from UWC, projects must be led by either a 1st or 2nd year student studying for their IBDP at any UWC school or college.)

    4. Add Project Proposal & Send

    In order to complete your application for a GoMakeADifference grant, you must attach a Project Proposal PDF document consisting of the following sections A-F and preferably also section G.

    Applicants are to submit sections A-F as one coherent document. The document must include:

    • Section A - Introduction (with title page and contents)

    • Section B - Project details

    • Section C - Project action plan (with budget and timescales)

    • Section D - Proposal rationale

    • Section E - Project team Members (about you and the team)

    • Section F - Safety statement and risk awareness

    The document must be uploaded in a PDF format and must include a word count as relevant.

    • For clarification of what must be covered in these sections please review the Writing Your Proposal guidelines. Do not upload a video file here – use section G (below) instead.

    • A link to your video on YouTube, Google Drive, etc.


    GoMakeADifference Initiative really allowed me to make a difference somewhere as well as allow me to understand how collaborative work and social engagement can be used to make a positive difference in the world. GoMakeADifference fosters that creativity that you've gained from Atlantic College and makes you understand that you can make a difference and an impact if you put your mind to it.

    — Scott Dwyer (AC12), Clara Gurreso (AC12), Siobhan Weber (AC13), Zoological Enrichment of Animals with Nanjing Zoo