2017 Applications Received

So the date has passed when applications needed to be received in order to be considered for a 2017 GoMakeADifference award.
Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who applied and to the UWC co-ordinators who helped promote the award and offered advice to the applicants.
We are really pleased with the number and quality of applications received this year, which has made assessing the projects very difficult. You can see a photo of us (the co-founders Colin and Jill together with Ann, the GoMakeADifference Admin Co-ordinator), working our way through the reams of paperwork from this year's fantastic applications. (Note the chocolate and water to keep our energy levels up!)
We wanted everyone to know that we take every application seriously, considering each one against the GoMakeADifference award criteria. Whilst it is a very time-consuming role, it is one which we all love, to see the range of ideas UWC students have to make a difference - we find it very humbling and rewarding.
So just to let everyone know that, as promised, we will be making announcements of the successful projects in the very near future - so watch this space!
Best wishes from all at the GoMakeADifference Team and thank you again to all who have applied for a 2017 award.